So you have passed the Level I Russian Kettlebell Challenge Certification Workshop. You put in all the hard work to prepare for this moment with months of training under your belt. Then you get to the moment where you pass the snatch test, get your technique fine tuned by the numerous high level RKC’s there to help you, and finally finish by nailing the testing portion, teaching aspect and surviving the graduation workout.

Nikki and I with Pavel in 2009

First of all, Congratulations! I have seen it time and time again. The look on someone’s face after they have returned successfully from getting RKC certified is inspiring. I get goose bumps just thinking about everything that went into getting to that moment and the feeling I had after. You will never be the same again, and more important you are part of a COMMUNITY of high level fitness professionals that will be at your side at a drop of the hat.

The Iron Tamer Clan! Friends and Comrades for LIFE!

So what do you do now? I would like to offer some advice if I may on the training side of things as well as on the business side of things.


Continue to work yourself through some type of program. This will help to keep those skills that you just sharpened from getting dull. I suggest the following in my opinion.

  • Perform the ETK Rite Of Passage 1-2 times per year.
    • Again this keeps your skills sharp and will help you to maintain your level of strength as you progress through the RKC. Plus it will keep you sharp once you need to re-certify.
  • Perform a snatch test AT LEAST one time per month if not more
    • One of the biggest mistakes I made once I was certified is not paying attention to the snatch test. I took 2 months off and then when I decided to do it again I could only muster 74 reps in 5 minutes.
    • It is far better to maintain than to try and train it all back again in my opinion.
  • Be on a program
    • There is nothing wrong with just working through workouts and playing around now and then, but I believe NOW that you need to have a goal in mind to reach for and a program that will take you there.
    • If you are training for Level II. Then prepare for it but do not forget to reassess your Level I skills as well.
    • If you want to maintain your skills but want to get off of the program of ROP for a bit. I suggest Kettlebell Burn or Kettlebell Muscle by Geoff Neupert. Great programs by the Master RKC himself of programming. Plus both carry over nicely to Level I and II training in my mind.
    • There are numerous programs out there for you to go by. It just depends on what you want your GOAL to be. (Return of the Kettlebell is Fantastic Material also).


  • Become a Dragon Door AFFILIATE
    • For any of you who would like to make more supplemental income, we highly suggest you become a Dragon Door Affiliate. There is no cost to you and it can be a great way to make extra income on the side promoting the products and equipment that you already believe in, use and endorse.
  • Sign on with a business group
    • This really has paid off for us. IF you have a fitness business or are planning on opening up one in the future. It is CRUCIAL that you learn all aspects of your business including marketing, time management and selling. I had little to no experience in this and wish I would have done it sooner.
    • We use the Evolution Accelerator Program through Net Profit Explosion. They were referred to us directly from Dragon Door. We cannot say enough about them! They have taught us everything from proper marketing, to the sales process, to hiring employees, and time management!
    • Another great idea would be to attend Dragon Door’s Marketing Mastermind Intensive with John DuCane.


    • If the RKC is continually evolving to make itself better. Then so should you.
    • This is extremely important. I saw it in myself and in others when they came back for an RKC event and had a lot of work to do technique wise.
    • If you do not have a workout partner who is an RKC themselves then there is a good chance that your form may fade or dull slightly because there is no one present to give you feedback. I am very fortunate that I have my wife, Nikki, by my side the majority of the time to tell me if my technique can be improved on.
      • So I suggest that you either meet with another RKC every month or every other month for a workout and to check your technique.
      • You can video yourself from time to time and get feedback by watching it or by sending it to other RKC’s or posting it on the forum. I got some great feedback by other RKC’s this way on my kb snatch technique and swing which was highly valuable!
    • Attend more RKC events. I cannot stress enough the importance of attending MORE events. The RKC Level I is just the foundation to your physical and business success.

There you have it. Hopefully I have provided you with some good information for you to chew on when you are thinking of where the next step will be post RKC certification. I hope to see you at an upcoming RKC event very soon.

  1. Hey Mark,
    Just had to comment, since you wrote up such a great article here. I think you made some outstanding points about what to do when you become RKC. There’s so much to do, actually. You covered all the main areas very well, especially the business component which is critically important and maybe often overlooked. You’ve written a great game plan and model to follow. You’re points are dead on accurate!
    Thanks for summarizing so well for readers. I love this journey! Cheers!
    Scott Iardella, RKC, CK-FMS

  2. Mark, this was an awesome post on what RKC’s need to focus on. This is rock solid stuff!!!

    Also very cool that you are using the NPE stuff. I am looking into their stuff and it looks amazing! Although John Du Cane’s marketing info is a mind blower as well!

    Power to you Mark!!

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